As advertised, make the most out of your hunting trip with a drop camp service. We set the camp up prior to your arrival and we take the camp down after your trip. We use our gear, our horses, so all you have to concern yourself with is your hunting gear and your food. This will give you the back country hunting experience without most of the work. Follow this link Equipment List, for the equipment we provide and Packing suggestions to your trip.
Our drop camps are 7 days for during Archery, Muzzleloader, and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Rifle Seasons. We provide the pack in and out of the camp with a couple of checks on the health and safety of the group. We require the hunter(s) to transport the game back to the camp site.
Drop camp pricing:
$3000 per person for horse drop camp - 2 person min. for horse drop camp
$1850 per person - 2 person min. for ATV/Truck drop camp